
Trailer hire Hanbury

Are you in need of trailer hire in or around the Hanbury area of Worcestershire, if so Trailer Hire West Midlands who are based in Studley, Warwickshire and is within 20 minutes of Hanbury will be able to help you.  We have a number of trailers for hire all of which are less than 12 months old giving you peace of mind in the knowledge these will not let you down whilst on hire.  together with 4WD 7 seater mitsubishi pajero’s which can either be used soley to hire or if you do not have an appropriate towing vehicle when hiring a trailer, can also be hired for this purpose.

At this time of year our small box van trailers and especially camping trailers are especially popular for day trips and family holidays, or if you are simply moving large bulky objects around.  We also have motorcycle trailers which are also very popular now the summer is here as people move their bikes around or purchasing new bikes.

We have car trailers of all different sizes to cater for all the different makes and models customers need to move around.  We also have general duty trailers single and twin axle suitable to take different weights of objects.  Again these are proving to be popular this time of the year as people move large garden objects such as lawn mowers etc purchasing a new one, getting one fixed etc.

Whatever your need in respect of hiring a trailer and there are so many to mention, be sure to visit Trailer hire West Midlands as we are based in Studley, Warwickshire where we are based not far from Hanbury and the surrounding areas.